Ştefan Vodă Raion
From June 2016 to July 2018, I lived and worked in Moldova as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I lived in a small community in the Ştefan Vodă Raion (district), which is in the south-east part of the country. Read more about my time as a volunteer in Moldova here.

Entrance to my village

A horse drawn cart waits outside the gate in the snow

Grapes being picked

My first Festelita sunset, over the thatched roof of our neighbor's house

Our dog peeks through the gate

The village mayor places a bouquet of flowers at the bust of the famous poet Mihai Eminescu on the anniversary of his birth

Corn drying in the courtyard

A light blizzard over a garden

A horse pulling a cart waits in the road as I walk home from school

Cherries fresh off the tree

Our dog gets a sip of water at our rain water well

The bus stop on the outskirts of my village

Sunflowers on the edge of the village

Our front garden on a beautiful fall day

Onions after harvesting

A beautiful sunset

Evening walk in the village

Ducklings at our house

Our dog patiently waits by our muddy steps

A hen at my host family's house

A gorgeous December sunset

Grapes sitting in baskets

Overlooking my village

A fall sunset

A holiday meal for Memorial Easter

Eastern Orthodox Easter service

A summer walk through the fields

Pasca, traditional Easter breads

A horse-drawn cart goes past on the road by our house

Our dog rests in the sunshine

A rare late April snowstorm

Green grass after a long winter

A fiery sunset above the village

Flowers frame our entryway and front gate

Our road in the late spring, covered by a solid layer of ice

A pretty pink sunset with the church's silhouette

A blanket airs out on the line