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From June 2016 to July 2018, I lived and worked in Moldova as a Peace Corps Volunteer. You can read more about my time there here. I visited the capital city, Chişinău, about monthly to hit up the banks and for Peace Corps related duties. The city has a number of beautiful parks and interesting architecture (both more European in style and reminiscent of the Soviet Era). It is a surprisingly green city. Read more about my multiple visits to Chisinau here.

Stefan cel Mare Park

Cathedral Park

Alley of Poets, Stefan cel Mare Park

Stefan cel Mare Monument

Stefan cel Mare Monument

The Gates of Chisinau

Arc de triumf

Cathedral Park

Cathedral Park

Overlooking the center of the city
Puskin Street near the center

Overlooking the center of the city
Puskin Street near the center

Triumph Arch
National Day of Wine

Cathedral Park

Cathedral Park

Cathedral Park

Trimph Arch

Stefan cel Mare Park

Cathedral Park

Cathedral Park

Cathedral Park

Chisinau streets

Victory Memorial
Victory Memorial Park, in memory of World War II

Victory Memorial
The Eternal Flame

Victory Memorial
Soviet style monument celebrating the end of World War II

Cathedral Park

Cathedral Park
The cathedral and surrounding gardens

Cathedral Park
The park decorated for Easter
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